“Life is full of twists and turns. I was the last person to think my journey would end up here…”
I have heard people say that we need to be on service to others. So very true. But I would add that when we are doing service to ourselves and feed ourselves on whatever way brings us joy, we are doing for others. They benefit, they heal and it doesn’t take much. My joy becomes their joy, and theirs mine. My healing becomes their healing and vice versa.
5:56 in the morning and I am in Vancouver airport waiting patiently for my flight home.
I was meeting with my director and agent for the first time. Being from Toronto this was an adventurous idea…hop on a plane and jet out to meet them.
How exciting, how empowering! And it was!
I met them on a restaurant by the beach that was very chic. I was there just after my director. A beautiful well spoken world acclaimed woman with great humility who listened patiently as I regaled with tales of my paranormal and psychic world.

That’s why we were here. To finally intertwine twenty five years in a series of episodes that would showcase all of this.
Not for me, but in the names of those I work for…the spirits, the other realms, the work.
In the last year I have followed my feel to discover my calling. I am a voice. A voice of gods, goddesses, spirits, animals and all the realms unseen.
I am unique in that I can transfer my love and passion into many different mediums…tv, radio, stage.
I have been blessed with having the right people and circumstances around me that help me to bring their voices to so many.
By selfishly immersing myself in the insane world of ghosts and creatures, mythology, lore, healing and cultural magicks, others benefit.
My crazy brings their healing.
My euphoric state and love of life ignites this in others. It is contagious…I have become contagious.
I don’t say that in a boastful way, I say this with the intention of empowering others to know they are too.
We are empowered and powerful enough to know that we can choose small things each day to make us happy and in acting on them that happy state can be felt, and yes seen, by others.
In knowing this, we must act on it, and that takes courage. Putting the building blocks in place everyday to create and birth, not an image, but a real and true life and lifestyle of creative, unabashed delight!
Following your feel, intuition, gut, whatever you want to call it is the key to it all. That little knowing, the voice that says “go to the antiques mall today there is something there for you” or “I’m going to play hooky from work today”
These are glorious little messages from the universe that something is afoot, and it time to play!
At one point the three women at the table myself, and my two colleagues raised a glass, and in that moment it felt like I had known them for lifetimes. Three women comfortable into they are, successful solid and focused.
I had followed my feel and it led me here to this table.

It also led me to spontaneously booking a theatre that will allow me to expand my horizons this year. My friend and tour guide for this adventurous excursion, lovingly took me out for day trips which landed us in Granville island.
As we slowly wound our way of “North Van” as it’s lovingly called by locals. I noticed a theatre. It caught my eye. “I’m going to take a chance” I heard myself say. Next thing I knew the general manager (who apparently never picks up the phone) welcomed us warmly and sent someone to give us a tour right away.
Beside it was a smaller more unassuming space. My forms and I agreed that it would be worth a look based on our feeling.
The room was a perfect little black box theatre complete with black curtains, walls and arrangeable seating. We both stood facing the audience. Yes. This was space. Smaller, cozier, not as many seats but that would do for a fin and intensively interactive night…and my Vancouver debut!
All because I “took a chance” I followed my feel and as usually there was gold at the end of the intuitive rainbow!
And it’s not always easy to follow our feel, but the rewards are endless.
It can also serve as protection. Keep us from toxic relationships, ill fitting jobs, friend, homes and so much more.
In the end when we do for ourselves, and follow that all knowing feel we will heal, grow and move forward at lightening paces!