We are the universe dreaming of itself in different scenarios. We are the dreaming and the dreamer.
Everyday millions of people, pets, and nature live and thrive. Others do not. Have we ever stopped to wonder why?
Perhaps the answer lies in the idea that we are a dream. That the universe is dreaming and we are different aspects of the universe exploring different ways of being… like a child exploring snow for the first time. Perhaps the universe is a curious child wondering what it would be like to be a cat or dog, or a tree in the middle of a forest quietly feeling the breeze through its leaves and on its bark.
Perhaps everyone of us is a different part of one dreamer. That would make us the dreamer itself wouldn’t it?
I suspect that if we are the one dreaming and the dream it also means we have more control over our part of this illusion we call life. That we can change it in anyway we want to, the way dream walkers can control their dreams while sleeping.
Perhaps when we dream it is another layer of the universe exploring.
All of these statements of course are simply supposition.
Something to think about that might allow us to delve deeper into understanding of why we are here, and what we can do with the limitless time we have.

I say limitless because maybe even that is on our hands. If there is such a thing as conscious death, the ability to put enough energy into wanting to die that it manifests, then perhaps it is also possible to will ourselves to live as long as a redwood tree or longer?
It may seem silly to some, but to others it is an obvious statement. There is beauty in the cycles of life and the universe. Each time someone or something passes, it is an experience that it “documents” every time someone or something is birthed, even a creative project, it is duly noted by this child as something unique that it has created and is watching to see how it plays out.
What if this explains everything? Yes, that’s an absolute, but let’s just play for a second. What if the universe, this great big child wants to know what famine feels like, marriage, sex, breaking up, breaking down. It just wants to experiment.
And what if we are now waking up inside the dream? What if this is healers and energy workers mean by “the awakening” What if we now are becoming advanced enough to know we are dreaming? Doesn’t that mean we have more choice?
What if we have the power to say, “okay, but what if we did this another way” and the big child says. “Kool, let’s do it!”
We see higher powers as adults, god is the father, the goddess is a divine feminine mother figure. But what of the universe is just a wondereous wide eyed child, innocent and curious?
This gives us permission to play. This gives us permission to look at the world in a way that allows us the freedom to know we have a playmate that is willing to share its experiences and has limitless power to help us create any playscape we want.
Does this explain war? Do children not play with toy soldiers battling each other on a map made of foam?
We don’t need to have war, there are so many other ways to deal with conflict. But a curious child wondering what would happen if it put itself in these scenarios explains so much. And does it make this child reckless? Personally, I don’t think so. Because we are the universe by this theory, every time a death occurs, a sadness, a horror, the child experiences that pain too.
When I was little I was in a hardware store. I saw a bin full of mouse traps. I wondered what it was like for a mouse to get snapped by one. So being me, I set the trap and placed my finger in it. It almost broke my finger. The pain was excruciating, but the thought in my head was what that poor mouse would feel. I felt the dull physical pain of that experience for days after that. I still, to this day feel the emotional pain of that moment and refuse to use any type of trap with any creature.
Could we be curious beings by nature because the universe is? Because we are, by extension, the dream of the dreamer? I feel that could be a truth.
The universe wants to feel everything, In order to do that, it has to explore each birds wings opening for the first time to fly, a caterpillar changing in its cacoon. And each time different. A different moment, feeling, awakening.
And that’s where we are. Each of us is awakening. Differently. Each one being watched by a curious child’s eyes, and being that curious child. It’s why we are all connected. We the explorers, the creators, the dreamer and the dreamed.