I wish people could see the way I see.
On occasion, someone is so affected by what is brought through, they get a true glimpse of what is being shown. A door swings open, and their vulnerability whisks them onto my vibe. Those moments are true blessings.
I write and talk about the work I do. It is my life, my passion and my calling. I walk between worlds wishing I could take those willing, deeper into the realms I am blessed to witness.
Paintings affect us on a visceral level because we connect what we see to what we feel. We are a physical society. Only now are we truly beginning to step into a less visible world. One where we feel first. We are Allowing ourselves the vulnerability and courage to see what is unseen, and trust our hearts rather than our eyes. Our spiritual nature is surfacing.

I long for everyone to see the way the seers and spirit walkers do. For this to become our “normal” again. I want this so badly simply because it can be so beautifully euphoric.
Its not something that happens 24/7. But it makes us more sensitive to our surroundings, giving us the ability to appreciate life, love and the world so much more on such deep levels.
I don’t have the words to express the absolute joy of being able to connect to spirit and change lives. I don’t have the vocabulary, and possibly never will, to describe or paint a picture that will do true justice to what I know to be true.
I can only do my best.
Part of that is to encourage. Work on your spirit self. Allow limitless living. Blocks are an illusion we create. You are special. You have to be. You were made special. You were made in the image of divinity, you have no choice but to be special.
Experience for yourself the joy of deep emotion. Sit silently, ask a question, allow whatever comes to embrace you. smile, cry, and have the courage to know that even when you think your getting “nothing” that something is happening.
Go beyond trust into faith. Know that doubt is normal. You have a spirit team to work with. You are intuitive. You are a healer…so heal.
The journey is worth it. Just wait and see…