There are higher vibrations, there are lower. They are ugly beasts.
Am I going to let in demons, goblins or ghouls when I work with you?….no! Absolutely not! However, they exist. Lower vibrations live in the shadows. They wait for the innocent to fall prey to them.
The young promising law student who turns into a bad egg, The drug addicts, the domestic violence issues. These can all be attributed to mental illness, bad company and so much more. However, the “so much more” is what no one wants to talk about.
those who are adept at these matters…known as removals, are well aware that most times lower energy “beings”, are rarely demonic. They are always cautious, and treat these situations like working with a wild animal who is cornered.
The first thing we do when a call comes in, is ask a series of questions beginning with…are you or any of the people in your household taking illicit drugs or medications that can cause hallucinations? This part of the process is quite important.
Once the issue is determined, a house visit will occur.
I may be writing this in a light and nonchalant manner, let there be no doubt though, people suffering.
It may be old aunt Bessy overstaying her welcome, but It can be more than that. Fairly successful middle class people all of a sudden experience discord, are Sickly, home becomes unkempt are usually dead give aways to unwanted energetic activity. Energy workers may experience headache and nausea….Suck it up buttercup! Time to get to work!
Depending on the culture of the worker some may carry sage, St. Cipriano oil, holy water, or an exorcism powder that would kick the tail off a cat.
Lost spirits accumulate energy and wreak havoc on health, work life and family.
Signs to look out for:
- Someone or a multitude of household dwellers start to act drastically different and out of character.
- Constant nausea in one or more places in the home when stepping into specific areas.
- arguments or physical violence where there was none
- strange, putrid smells
- sounds at night
- animals acting strangely, as if seeing something or scared of an area or being spooked by something that’s not there.
My son’s uncle passed traumatically. His spirit was stuck and was cleared from a home, but not crossed over. An unsettled spirit will become, what I call, a jumper and try to find the nearest thing to jump into or cling onto, usually a family member who is open. In this case we found out it was me.
I couldn’t stop thinking about him, death, I was depressed, his kids were experiencing road blocks in their own lives. Something had to be done.
I was at a gathering shortly after the jump had occurred. A group of medicine woman were getting together and invited me. They stopped short when I walked through the door. The woman who led this night took one look at me and my drawn, depleted state, and asked, “So who’s your friend” I hadn’t brought anyone live with me, so it stood to reason she was talking about this gentleman. Although I had already thought of this, when something or someone is attached, the last thing it wants you to do is anything, especially attempt to release it. Your brain makes every excuse to deny what you know and you carry on being the feed bag of the unrested soul.
They took their places lovingly around me. They called on his spirit and we could all see him. He stood in his ratty jeans, plaid shirt, wavy salt and pepper hair and moustache. They talked to him to no avail. He was not leaving and If I recall correctly didn’t even know he was dead. This kind of made it better in my head because it meant he wasn’t really doing anything malicious, if he knew he was doing anything at all.

Eventually, his mother appeared lovingly to her son and those who bore witness to the events taking place.
By the end, there were some who were teary-eyed. The experience of a mothers love and compassion for her son, and guiding him home was moving to say the least.
After a removal there will be change. In this case I was calmer, more clear headed, my doom and gloom behaviour lifted. His children were now flourishing and making headway in both their professional and personal lives.
After that experience I trained harder. With my mentor, Shaman who saw my potential and singled me out, with wise women who took me under their wing, for reasons still unknown.
I still have my kung fu panda moments where I feel invincible only to trip over my own feet and land face first in a pile of dumplings.
Even the best of us get caught in a tangle of lost souls and spirit mishaps, so it stands to reason that those who are not aware could too. Is it common for this to happen? More than people realize. However, I don’t mean to scare, I mean to educate, so I will also say that out of the billions of people on this earth, the really scary stuff is less than 1% probability of happening to you or anyone you love.
I often hear, “I have had so much bad luck, has someone put a curse on my family?” More than likely the answer is no. Most times we want that to be the case so we can make our woes quickly go away, so we don’t have to be accountable, or are really scared based on cultural and family upbringing.
I always say it never hurts to ask, but once you have the answer, please trust it. I know people who go from reader to reader, to bruja to healer until they find someone who will say yes. This is like feeling a phantom pain and going from one doctor to the next until you find one who will give you pain meds for a non-existant ailment. A good reader, healer, energy worker will help guide to a place of understanding rather than a place of false resolution that may in turn cost the unsuspecting victim copious amounts of money in the long run.
Is there a boogie man under the bed. Not likely yours.
The dark can’t handle the light, it runs. Have the right attitude. When your down acknowledge it as a moment, don’t live in it. When you are in a good place share it. This ensures your vibe will stay healthy and right for you and all those around you.
Although there are still those who practice the old ways of carrying charms and things to ward off the evil eye, It is the best protection, the best weapon and the best way of living to stay in the light. Live your truth.
Sound cheesy? it may be, but Some of the best “removal artists” say the same. They have a joke in their pocket and a smile on their face even though they live a life on the edge of light and dark to keep us safe in our everyday lives.
Until Next Time,
Stay in Tune, and Stay Blogged In!
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